Friday, April 5, 2013

Simple Storage Organizer Strategies to Make Your Life Easier

There are a lot of things in life that are very easy to put off or otherwise delay. Ya know all those fun things (snicker) that we just cant wait to start. Like painting the house. Or mowing the yard. Or organizing our tax receipts. You know what Im talking about all those lovely things to do to fill up a Saturday morning, right?
As time passes, certain activities are demanded of us. The yard has to get mowed. The tax receipts have to get organized by tax day. But then other things have no deadline. Theres no outside pressure to clean out the closet. No one from the government is going to call you about painting the house or getting kitchen dividers so you can find your utensils with ease.
These are the type of tips I want to address in this hub,(Organizer Strategies )while sharing some useful advice on how to make it easier to accomplish the task.
Organizing Kitchen Drawers and The Pantry
It takes hardly any time to organize the kitchen pantry and any often accessed kitchen drawers. For the drawers, I suggest getting some dividers to sort out the space in each drawer, creating little pockets of space to help better organize your kitchen items.For the pantry, its easy enough to sort things out first by throwing out any super old or expired foods. I suggest you then take all the least often accessed items and place them at either the very bottom of the very top. If you have any heavy food items, such as 20 pound bags of rice, save the bottom area for them to make it easier (and safer for kids) to help out in the kitchen. If you feel so inclined, go to Target or any home store and grab a couple air tight tupperware containers and move in your cereals, grains, flours, and so into them. Label them with a date. If its not obvious what it is (such is the case at times with different types of flour, sugar, spices, etc) then be sure to label it with a name too!
Organizing the Garage
Oh boy, this is a biggie right. Or at least, for many people it is. How crazy is your garage right now? Probably not the most organized room in the house, I would dare to venture without even seeing it! The good news is that you can get things into shape in a single afternoon with some extra hands, sweat, and of course, with the help of some organizer or storage tools. Because garage storage systems are big business, its easy to find all sorts of useful storage items for the garage. But first, clean it out. Yep, Im sorry, but it has to be done! Clean out the garage of all trash and items taking up space. Get rid of as much as possible. Then, with the addition of storage bins, sports racks, and if needed, a good set of garage shelves, re-organize your items. Sports gear and childrens toys make an excellent pair for over sized storage bins. If youve got bikes, spend a few dollars and get a bike rack to keep it in place.
Also, while youre at it, sweep the garage floor!

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