Sunday, February 5, 2012

Five Tips To Find Yourself A Lucrative Niche Marketing Niche

Have you ever wondered about niche marketing Do you know what a niche is? Do you know what a successful niche is? Can you truly identify them? How can you know if a niche is the real thing or a ploy? Once you have located the niche, how do you know if it’s too competitive or only somewhat competitive? Here are five tips to help you make these determinations:Tip 1 – Look To YourselfBefore you start in anything, ask yourself if there’s anything you have expertise in. What kinds of things do you enjoy? Where does your passion lie? For instance, do you love to write? If so, consider freelance writing as a business. If you choose a niche because it looks profitable but it isn’t something you enjoy, you’re going to find that you’re bored and won’t want to work to make your money or that you have to work twice as hard to make your money. Make sure you have a niche field that Iphone 4s Stand you like and are glad to share what you know with other people.Tip 2 – Have A List Of Keywords That Help YouHave yourself a list of keywords and all synonyms; use Wordtracker to help you expand it. If you’ve got many possible niche fields, make sure you have keyword lists for all of them. You may have a list of 100 to 200 phrases and keywords.Tip 3 – Use Keywords To Determine Supply and DemandGo over your keywords and run them through an Internet tool that lets you know the supply (how many websites that are running the search keywords) and demand (how many times your searched keywords have been sough out). You find a tool like this in Site Build along with Product Idea Evaluator (or PIPE). From that, you’ll need to sort through the ratio of demand vs. supply. You may find that your keywords are in high demand but there is little supply for them. If you notice a lot of people interested in your niche, then you have a high chance of getting customers.Tip 4 – Find Keyword PricesNow determine what keywords will give you the Nail Pen best potential and check the prices via Google AdWords and Overture. Find products you can invest in through an affiliate marketing program. You want a program that will give you high commissions or allow you to sell with an online store. Remember that your idea must be profitable to use. With all your work in hand, you should have something by now.Tip 5 – Check Out Your CompetitionAfter you’ve got your keywords and checked out the supply/demand situation, you must check out your competitors’ websites. How can you surpass what they are doing? Do you offer something they don’t? Can you provide your customers excellent customer service? Check out the copyrighted date on the website; older copyrighted dates may mean the site is up and running but not aggressively maintained. As long you are diligently researching, you’ll discover that some niches are worthwhile but other niches are not.After you’ve done all the researching you can do, it’s time for you to build an attractive web page to bring in traffic, either through natural means or organically. It may take time for your website to reach high into the search engines’ lists and make good money but it can be done. Just be persistent and creative and you’ll get there in no time.

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