Thursday, December 8, 2011

The Joy That Lake Fishing Brings

We face different challenges today and S107 RC helicopter more often than not, there is a mounting amount of pressure as to who has the best and who owns the most. Todays society somehow establishes a standard that has been its lure so that people would strive to be stronger, bolder and to climb higher. Human as we are, we crave for more. When he indulges in something, he sees to it that at the end of it all, he glories in it all. Take lake fishing for example. How much must one spend in order to pursue this ancient Man sought places to find the best catch. It used to be a catch for a living, but then now, it has angry bird transformed into the catch for the loving. It no longer is the same as ages ago when Neanderthal men pursued the lakes and water reservoirs of the world to find fish for dinner. It is no more that Ancient Mayas and Incas scoured the Wholesale Air Swimmers waters of Air Swimmers the Andes rivers in search of fish that may supply their brood for survival. Gone were the days of the Ancient Americans awaiting around the next river bend in search for the fattest fish to feed their wives and youngsters and the rest of the waiting clan. The days when lake fishing was their life, their way to survive is no longer felt. Men from all walks of life still go out to fish. This time, they go out to lakes with gadgets and gizmos that never were in olden times. They own GPS to assure family left behind that their fathers, friends and family return home safely from their costly pastime. Theirs is more about passion, more about fashion and more about lifes extras than survival. Theirs is staying on top of the line and proving to the world that they can do more than what others can. Theirs is a story to tell their grandkids about the largest trout caught in their side of the world and about how the lake glistened in the twilight. Yes, things have changed the past few years. The World Wide Web has turned into an indispensable space that creates a conglomeration of all sorts. From fishing tools to baits to equipment, all these can be found in the net. Fishing guides and personnel become available right at the click of a mouse. Now, that is truly one blow of a metamorphosis. I wonder what our dear forefathers would think?

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